Community Ambassador Team Training

Community Ambassador Team (CAT) members are members of the community who wanted to be a part of the planning process and were supported by members of the engagement team (consultants, Coordinating Committee members, and H-GAC staff).

CAT members were part of the Our Great Region 2040 process in three ways:

  • Developing information networks to get out the word
  • Becoming facilitators to gather input in their communities
  • Helping put the plan in action

During the planning process, the Our Great Region 2040 team held several CAT trainings across our region that included information and updates on:

  • Planning processes
  • Sustainability and planning concepts
  • Facilitation efforts
  • Grassroots education tips
  • Networking, organizing, and partnership building

Several resources are still available from these trainings, many of which can be used for projects supporting the Big Ideas and strategies of Our Great Region 2040.

CAT Team Training

CAT Team Resources

These resources can be used with a variety of different projects.


Tools List

Elevator Challenge Sheet

DIY Identifying Community Strengths guide

Tools Matrix


Our Great Region 2040
Houston-Galveston Area Council

DISCLAIMER: The work provided for the basis for this website was supported by funding under an award with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. The substance and findings of the work are dedicated to the public. The author and publisher are solely responsible for the accuracy of the statement and interpretations contained in this website. Such interpretations do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Government
Copyright © 2014 Our Great Region 2040