Support Our Great Region 2040

Supporting Our Great Region 2040 means you believe the goals, Big Ideas and strategies should be considered when planning for the future.

Are you a representative for an organization or local government that would like to partner on moving a strategy forward?

Would you like to pledge your support for Our Great Region 2040?

Let us know.

H-GAC staff is available to present information regarding the plan to your organization. Please contact H-GAC at to arrange a presentation.



Sample Resolution

The sample resolution is a template that can be used by local governments or boards who desire to pass a resolution providing their support to Our Great Region 2040. The language in the template can be altered to meet the needs and desires of the entity.


Printable Endorsement

The endorsement form provides an opportunity for entities to indicate their support for Our Great Region 2040. The form also has an option to indicate if your organization would like to be a partner in moving toward implementation of the goals and Big Ideas in Our Great Region 2040.

The endorsement form may be printed and returned to H-GAC by emailing the completed form to


Online Endorsement

Complete an online endorsement. Someone from H-GAC will follow up with you following your submission.

Supporters of Our Great Region 2040

North Houston Association


Our Great Region 2040
Houston-Galveston Area Council

DISCLAIMER: The work provided for the basis for this website was supported by funding under an award with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. The substance and findings of the work are dedicated to the public. The author and publisher are solely responsible for the accuracy of the statement and interpretations contained in this website. Such interpretations do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Government
Copyright © 2014 Our Great Region 2040